Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Magnus is such a good dog! He didn't seem to mind getting dressed up by Cassidy. He actually kept the shirt on all day, for obvious reasons we took the pants off.
Jadzia is just a little obsessed with the movie High School Musical 2. It is probably not a good sign that her favorite song is the one done by the stuck up rich girl in the movie. Here is Jadzia singing her version of the song "Fabulous", it is a little difficult to understand the words (because she doesn't really know them), but you will get the idea. Thanks for checking in.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

More pictures from Easter

Bunny ears for Easter from my sister.
After eating eggs in the morning and tons of candy all day, Jadzia is not too interested in dinner.....but blowing bubbles in her milk was fun.Now that dinner is done......and our company is gone Savannah (and the rest of us) get ready to hang around and do nothing for the rest of the day. I think we are all happy that we went to church early, because we knew we would be exhausted by the end of the day.
Ok, almost everyone is ready to hang around and do nothing.........Cassidy still has a endless energy.......she wants to go ride her skate board, go for a walk and have a friend over.

Happy Easter!

The girls woke up this morning to find that the Easter Bunny had brought candy, hid some eggs (Cassidy and Jadzia colored them Saturday) and brought them a gingerbread bunny cottage to decorate. It was very messy but they had fun putting the frosting and candy on.

We had a bunch of family over our house for Easter dinner. This is Jadzia and Cassidy goofing around with their cousin Tyler.
We can always count on Savannah, Cassidy and Jadzia to help out! In fact they spent much of Saturday and part of Sunday helping to get the house ready for Easter dinner.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Here Kitty Kitty........

I went downstairs to feed the cats today......and noticed that Cassidy's bunny, Snowball, had gotten out. We don't know how long he was out because he stays in the basement during the winter (and outside in the summer). My two cats didn't mind him trying to eat their food, and Snowball wasn't worried about the cats. The cat in the picture is Frankie, I couldn't get tigger to pose for the picture. Not too much else going on....thanks for checking in.