Friday, September 26, 2008

Exciting stuff!! why a picture of running water? The plumbers are done in our addition, that's why! I am so excited.....we now have two working bathrooms. I still have some tiling to do.....but I have water..........

And electricity...........(and a lot of painting/sanding to do) The heat/AC is rady to go too!
And MORE exciting news..........Cassidy comes home today! This was her "seashore" field trip week - I can't wait to hear about the adventures her and the class had!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Farewell to a friend.

This week I will be attending the funeral of one of my co-workers. Her name is Krit (Kristin), she died at the end of last week. On Sept. 12 she lost control of her bicycle and she was riding home, and fell. She was one of the clinical assistants at Childrens Hospital in Boston, she was so much fun to work nice........I can't believe this has happened. Please, Please, PLEASE.....wear a helmet when ever you are on a bike (or scooter, or skateboard, or skates). No matter how old you are...........even if you are "only riding around the neighborhood"........Krit was not wearing a helmet, and it was a head injury that killed her.
this is the link to the fox news story about her.
God Bless.............tell the people you care about how important they are to you.........and "Dance like no one is watching" (which, by the way, was also a favorite quote of my brother that passed away last year)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The week in review.........

Jadzia was in a no picture mood this day........too bad it was the first day back to school. This is her last year of preschool, she is in the "kindergarten readiness room" this year. She was very happy to see all of her friends from last year and her favorite teacher, Miss Judy.
Savannah playing field hockey.....she loves this sport. She is number 18, back to the camera. This was their first game and they won 2-1.

In other news.........Joe's surgery (Monday) went well and he is home recovering! Hopefully this will be the last hip surgery he needs for a while. He still has quite a bit of pain, but that should start to improve!

Today Savannah and I volunteered at a bone marrow donor testing drive. I did the medical screening and Savannah initially helped to make sure people followed the flow of things and went to the station they were supposed to go to. After a short time of that the coordinator realized that they needed more people actually collecting the Savannah was recruited for that job. The drive was for my sisters nephew that is in need of a bone marrow transplant. He was at the drive today and looks well........ very cute kiddo! A lot of people showed up for testing so hopefully a match will be found!

That's all I can think of for now................thanks for checking in.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

This weekend we did something I never thought I could do, never mind Savannah and Cassidy! We participated in the swim for life, an event that raises money for organizations in Provincetown. It is a 1.4 mile swim from long point to a beach across the harbor. Here is Cassidy getting ready at Papa's house.
Waiting for the swim to start.......we got these really cool swim caps when we registered. They write the swimmers number on the cap and on each persons arm for check in purposes - they want to make sure everyone is accounted for at the end of the swim.
Savannah is ready to start. Her and Christopher finished in just over an hour.
Here we all are after the swim........still standing up. Savannah , Cassidy (hiding), Christopher, and me!
Cassidy was they made her come in on a Kayak. She made it more than half way though! What a great job. I thought she would be frightened because the water is so deep, but she did fine, not scared a bit. After she was brought in, I was left out in last place all by myself.......well, with the kayak and stand up paddle board people staying with me for safety. It was kind of peaceful floating around all by myself! Definitely something I am looking foward to doing again.
Here is a random picture for you. Jadzia likes to involve the dogs when she is playing. Althoug Buddy would rather be napping, he doesn't seem to mind having a blue skarf around his head.
We saw these turkeys crossing the road on the way home from the swim. I was taking Cassidy to see the house she will be staying in for a week this month with her classmates (seashore trip).

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First day of school and other stuff.......

We have been trying to get some work done on the addition. Here I am working on the new will be upstairs in our new bedroom.
Trying to line them up just right.....
This is Rhino our new bunny. The girls wanted a small pet so we adopted this one from the shelter. He is good.......litter box trained and he will let us hold him. His favorite place to hide is the toy box.....he blends in well and can be difficult to find.
Let's celebrate the second day of school. I couldn't find my camera for the first day (yesterday) so I snapped a few pictures of the kids at the bus stop today. Cassidy really likes her new teacher.......she says 5th grade is "fun" so far. Her class will be the first of the year to go to the seashore. For those of you that don't know what that means......many 5th grade classes on the cape spend a week sleeping in an old coast guard station. They have nature themed lessons and activities for the week. When Savannah was in 5th grade she loved it.............I have not heard of a kid that didn't like it. During one of the hikes when Savannah went the naturalist had just made a comment about the fact that people usually walk their dogs on the seashore land.....and out of nowhere came a black dog........and then my brother. It was totally a coincidence.....we never could have planned that. Savannah was very excited to see her uncle.
Getting on the bus...........soon she will not want me taking pictures of her.