Monday, September 22, 2008

Farewell to a friend.

This week I will be attending the funeral of one of my co-workers. Her name is Krit (Kristin), she died at the end of last week. On Sept. 12 she lost control of her bicycle and she was riding home, and fell. She was one of the clinical assistants at Childrens Hospital in Boston, she was so much fun to work nice........I can't believe this has happened. Please, Please, PLEASE.....wear a helmet when ever you are on a bike (or scooter, or skateboard, or skates). No matter how old you are...........even if you are "only riding around the neighborhood"........Krit was not wearing a helmet, and it was a head injury that killed her.
this is the link to the fox news story about her.
God Bless.............tell the people you care about how important they are to you.........and "Dance like no one is watching" (which, by the way, was also a favorite quote of my brother that passed away last year)


Marc T. said...

My deepest sympathies to you and my prayers go out to her family.

Ironically my son broke his arm this weekend riding his scooter, and the Doctor gave him a really bad time about not wearing his helmet at the time. He's convinced now!

momto2boys said...

I am sorry to click and hear this news. This is the 2nd blog that I have clicked in my link that has shown a death...and a young sad. I will keep her and you in our prayers.
