Sunday, September 14, 2008

The week in review.........

Jadzia was in a no picture mood this day........too bad it was the first day back to school. This is her last year of preschool, she is in the "kindergarten readiness room" this year. She was very happy to see all of her friends from last year and her favorite teacher, Miss Judy.
Savannah playing field hockey.....she loves this sport. She is number 18, back to the camera. This was their first game and they won 2-1.

In other news.........Joe's surgery (Monday) went well and he is home recovering! Hopefully this will be the last hip surgery he needs for a while. He still has quite a bit of pain, but that should start to improve!

Today Savannah and I volunteered at a bone marrow donor testing drive. I did the medical screening and Savannah initially helped to make sure people followed the flow of things and went to the station they were supposed to go to. After a short time of that the coordinator realized that they needed more people actually collecting the Savannah was recruited for that job. The drive was for my sisters nephew that is in need of a bone marrow transplant. He was at the drive today and looks well........ very cute kiddo! A lot of people showed up for testing so hopefully a match will be found!

That's all I can think of for now................thanks for checking in.

1 comment:

momto2boys said...

Glad to see the new post! :) It is always nice to get to "see" you when I check the blog :)

Take care