Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jadzia's Big Day

No 4 year old girl's birthday would be complete without a new baby doll and dress-up outfit.

Happy Birthday to Jadzia, and to all of the other April 12 birthday people.......Ella (1st birthday), Tammi, Theresa and Julia. We had a lot of fun......cake, ice cream and presents. I am lucky because I can still get away with only inviting family to birthday parties......(family and our good friend Lisa's family). It won't be too long before she insists on friends coming too. Thank you Cassidy for shooting this video....great job!

Thanks to Jenn, we were able to find the one gift Jadzia wished for the most. The "baby that grows teeth". The commercial used to come on constantly around here, but when it came time to buy the doll, I couldn't remember the name, and the commercial was not on t.v. She is kind of a fun doll, the best thing is that she has an on/off switch. (Jadzia looks a little annoyed because this is about the 5th time I made her do this video....we kept getting interrupted.)

Thanks for stopping by!

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